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Happiness is closer than you think

Girl in Daisies Field


Amber Morgan

At my NLP4kids practice in Bath, I work with children and teenagers to overcome any emotional struggles they may be facing. I teach them NLP techniques that they can then use throughout life. This puts them back in control; increasing confidence, happiness and self-worth. I love watching both their smiles and confidence grow with each session.

Amber Morgan, Bath Child and Family Therapist


Does your child get overly worried about things? Do they get unexplained stomach aches and headaches? A child with anxiety has a huge impact on the whole family.



Has your child become quiet and withdrawn? Do they shut themselves away? Have they stopped finding pleasure in things they used to love? Contact me to see how I can help.



Does your child anger easily? Do they let anger take control? If your child struggles to control their anger please contact me to see how I can help, as there is always a solution.

From the blog
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